Rae Peres (She/They)
Office Manager
Saba Grocer Initiative’s Office Manager is a Jill of all trades.
Rae grew up in Daly City, CA. She joined the workforce right out of high school where she began to learn a plethora of skills, ranging from Retail Management to Visual Merchandising. Over the next decade, Rae gained experience in Hospitality, Public Safety, Loss Prevention, Property Management and Office Management. Knowing that she wanted to contribute more to diversity and equality for women and women of color, she returned to school after a 12-year hiatus, earning her Bachelor of Science in Women’s Studies and Minor in Black Studies from Portland State University. She later trained with the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond to help educate others on how to interrupt societal and workplace oppression and address racial marginalization.
After living in Portland, OR for a decade, Rae returned to the Bay Area in 2017 to pursue better opportunities within the nonprofit sector. Soon after learning of the struggles with food apartheid in Oakland, she then discovered Saba Grocers Initiative in 2023 and found herself as an addition to the Saba Family in January 2024.
Rae lives in American Canyon with her wife and two dogs, and helps take care of her elderly mother.
Email Me Here: Rae@sabagrocers.org